Friday, January 23, 2009

The "SHOW" begins

The Oath-taking Falters and the show begins on the world - stage.
"Now is the winter of Discontent " on the Global stage of terror and economic-storm.
The Sea is stormy and it will,we know , not be an easy sail.
Yet the Captain is for the 'Change' and should not be afraid to say
"Danger is the breath of my life" like Columbus did and then
sing aloud to all and in chorus-voice on the Capitol Hill
"We shall overcome" these cyclonic Time and waves.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Captain, Welcome and keep watch

Welcome! yes, but keep your watch
on the sail : be steady and let the mast stay firm
hold the wheel with iron-strong hands
and watch the sky and spy on darkening clouds.

Not a smooth sail it will be, we know
and vulture-looks shall ever fly
over your head
that is the game of this 'Canine World '
Though privious failures have traumatised deep
but, Captain, the Ship must reach the goal
beyond the turbulent Sea , as you promised and planned.

(Welcoming the U.S.A-preident on his 20th January"09 - ascent)