Monday, July 20, 2009

KURUKSHETRA WAR OF Mahabharata (cf Lalgadr)

The great Kurukshetra War of Mahabharata (India) was fought for eighteen days and that made the epic mythological history of the sub-continent and of great religious dimension.
This time with modern sophistacated amunitions, the ruling side is fighting the battle for more than a month with no sign of any 'dove' (Peace) flying back to Lal gadr, a tiny part of West Bengal, with tribal backward people ,so long neglected and used like pawns by present, past and all other political groups , aspiring for power.
Of course, India did not solve the problem like USA of early 'Immigration- days' by eliminating the old inhabitants in subtle political ways. But by law of Natural evolution and 'survival of the fittest', they were left abandoned and Cosmic Time is now on the return to draw the Balance-sheet .
So , now that 18-days' - war of Kurukshetra and Month-old war of a tiny rural Lal gadr agaist a powerful modern Govt. , - is making interesting contrast , indeed ! - pibi--

Sunday, July 19, 2009

CRYING BABY [report from India]

A Nation that can not manage its own defence and intelligence, behaves like a crying baby and blames its neighbours around forgetting the shameful holes in its own self protection preparation or devices and betraying its own impotency.
Such Nation should learn from the strength and intelligence -excellence if Irael and stop its crying like a spoilt child or a frightened baby.
There is no scope of blaming others or begging neighbours for co-operation in National defence.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Let us learn what the Zodiac of West Bengal signals:
1.Some party (of Triangular Fight) , 0n Fri day, the 17th july, picked up and started copy-catting the now-failing 'supremo habit', of some-other long-standing powerful party.
2. "Now is the winter of discontent" and will be the time of competative show of Muscle power and too often, affecting ordinary majority people of west Bengal' - suffering , paralysed , helpless, captivated, threatened with state-wide sliding back economy.
3. Next play will be staged to show which of the three can Show more impressive' biceps' with frightening damage-effect to frighten everyone.
4. One thing has come out like' Revelation' that the present ruling authority has proved its complete impotency , unpopularity and yet trying to stick like adhesive tape on gangrenous wound. ---pibi----(reporting from India)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


It is admitted and proved on record that Federer made history, broke record and won the result in the Final on last sunday at Wimbledon. But, I think , the Real winner , in show and spirit on the court on that day was Roddik ( at lt least for the millions of viewers on the field and outside, receiving their money's worth with, even, bonus).
With less expectation from Roddik and more admiration for the champion, already heaped upon Federer long before the Game, it is the unique under- rated 'Gladiator' who gave the viewers all the real worth of their time amd money and proved himself the real 'winner' on the court though a loser by the score-board result. But for his super-heroic fight, it could not have been the most exciting tenis-game with such nail- biting finish.
I am an occasional viewer of the game and fan of none but when I see something so exciting , I express, even with no authority or licence. -PIBI

Monday, July 6, 2009

Reportimg from India for NRIs

The FM - India has patted his own back for the expenditure value of current budget exceeding 10 Lakh crores campared to onethousand + some lakh crores on the first Budget 0f 1952(?).
But sir , what is the present-value of your Rupee compared to that of '52 ? I remember , we could buy 4 hilsa fishes with that one rupee of '52 and now, not even one adult hilsa with Rs 500/=per KG to-day. Senior Citizens of other parts can walk down their memory lane and remember the cost of a chicken in 1952-s.
So long the lucky one , employed with minimum wage can not have the full capacity of a respectable economic sufficiency, I won't call it 'Advacing Economy.
So long 'no-2 ' rupee will rule over the FM's budget - dream (ref -20L admission -ticket for Medical College in Madras (recent news) , I won't call it progressing Economy or charming Budget.
So long the Base - line of population have not the minimum requirements insured, I can't respect this 10L -crores (and + budget); raise my hand and sing 'Jai - ho'.
Poor peoples safe- pocket should be the proof of a successful budget, not the global marketing Mela-show.

BUDGET - ISSUE ( A Lay-Man's World)

Any Country that can not offer its base-line population an insurance for its daily -wagers a survial basis of 60 % of his earning for food and shelter and 20 to 25 % for regular sicial need with minimum of 15 % savings for un-known contingencies or for healthy social lving, can not claim to be a developing democratic country. Though a lay man on subject of Economy , I think , -any ordinary man in a sane society has his birth-right to be born , live and grow with his basic needs assured