Sunday, October 2, 2011


Montek meets PM on poverty line, to make statement tomorrow
Press Trust of India, Sunday October 2, 2011, New Delhi Read more at:
Ideal Democracy :
MONTU SINGH and mani Mohan should be forced to live , FOR THREE MONTHS, on Rs 32/=per day as a Practical l IT - programme under Amended CONSTITUTION and then report to the SC/PRESIDENT for Practical Governing & Planning
[As Experience is the real KNOWLEDGE,---other than breeding CORRUPTION with masks of Innocence touching the zone of IGNORANCE and thriving on SCAMS & SCHEMES this a theory for which I should offered 10 percent of 2G scam value and a NOVEL PRIZE(not Noble).
The FATHER with HONEST FACE rearing CORRUP SONS Can make an honest Family.
Certified, being an ALZ, i donot Know what non-sense i wrote just now.


My timet and values are fragmented , -seems
even the moon has been raped ; looks down pale
my child -hood memories are broken glass
all faces seems some shadows anaemic or stale!

My feeling itself seem like leper's wound
smiles and looks like programmed chips
I look in the mirror and nothing is found
where am I now ; who can offer some tips !

Saturday, September 24, 2011


NEWS -RESPONSE---by----Pibi

Saturday, September 24, 2011
EUROPEAN HYSICISTS WRONG :; Neutrino ,not a 'thng'
"EINSTEIN WRONG ? CERN NEUTRINOS ' FASTER THAN LIGHT '" --The Times OF India, Kokata , Saturday 24,2011; Front Page .
" Nothing can Move faster than light " - Einstein.

Neutrino is not a 'Thing'. Sub-atomic particles are Neither 'Thing' nor in the domain of Physics. Physical entity, to be qualified as a 'thing', has to have physical Character ( to belong to Physics) and gravitational -field effect also .
Even as a Layman , I can guess this much.
So UN-less this storm is raised for NOBEL -PRIZE , I do not think that EINSTEIN NEEDS TO BE IN DISCOMFORT.
When His 'Cosmological Constant' could Rise from the grave of "Blunder' and become TRUTH, I think, 'Drum - beating' will also get SILENT in due time .
Let PHYSICIST first declare ,on Einstein's term ,what is a 'THING' of Physics ? And then let them decide where to put these NEUTRINO , within physics(matter) or outside it.
Even EXPANDING UNIV. Can Move Faster that LIGHT ! SO , WHAT ? Even my thought is faster than light -speed. So what!?
Posted by Phani Basu at 1:38 AM 0 comments

Friday, September 23, 2011

My Friiend BRUTUS , --How soon You BETRAY !!!

With strong words, Pak warns America it could lose an ally
Press Trust of India, Friday September 23, 2011, Islamabad
WHAT SORT OF ALLY ? -----Like 'BRUTUS' ?? --- the BACK-STABBER !!!

Posted by Phani Basu at 7:12 PM 0 comments

Saturday, September 3, 2011


( More Particularly the Western World with second Highest Frequency of Gr.A of ABO Bloood Group)

This is the 3rd or 4th and Final Call
If you have Blood Gr. A, You have more Chances of Cancer Tomgue (xsqure value =4.3) and and Liver-cirrhosis( Xsquare value 17.12) , than people with other Blood Grs. Also you have markedly less chance of Cancer-Cheek (result with statistical significance)***[ relation of Blood Gr. A with Cancer of Lower G.I Tract has alredy been established before by others. )
As the result was Satisticaly significant in all these cases while the FREQUECY Of Blood Gr, A in Indian people was roughly 23% (3rd Place )
This THESIS was atarted in 1958 and completed by 1959.
This was a TIME when, Watsonn & Creek Revolutioised in the World with their GENETIC-Studies(1960).
My ATTEPMT WAS TO ESTABLISH CONNECTION BETWEEN HERIDITY AND DISEASES.. the study was done in Delhi University, India. Finaly NOW ;---
As , in Western World the frequency of Blood gr. is more than it is in India , I Suggest thart any Doctor in U.S.A Hospitals or Western World ,can simply Check the operated (proved) cases and record their Bood group and Compare.
IWhile in U.S.A (1993 - 2008) i tried to contact JAMA for Notice and follow up. But i failed.
Finally and again I subit the INFO. through my BLOGS , in an attemt to be useful to the World. May be,it was locked up so long. or not yet known by the Medical World.

The THESIS is Available with Medical Br. DELhi UNIVERSITY. This thesis could not be published , ever since.
[from Dr. P.Basu M.D ]
Posted by Phani Basu at 8:39 PM 0 comments