Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I think, I repeat, I think that the word 'God ' is an English word and means - a higher power of different forms or formlessness in different 'Lands' or geographical and ethnic regions on the Globe.
I also think that the word God is not a noun ,nor proper-noun but a pronoun representing the ideal or logo of many races and religions representing many forms or formlessness of their belief in higher power.

On scientific terms (Modern Science and Cosmology)the word God stands for the 'First Cause' or Cosmic Consciousness(collective Consciousness) or the 'father' of All four field-forces meaning the 'T.O.E' of Modern Cosmology.

Eveey Race and eligion hae their own logo or representative equivalent of the word - God. As such 'God' is noy a concrete image of perceptual (or visual) field.

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