Saturday, August 7, 2010


[Remembering HIROSHIMA of Post WORLD WAR II]

The War ,at last, ends
Whichever way now look
deaths in thosands dis-membered , burnt
charred or crushed
all around dwellings are turned to ash
as the WAR does end.

Whether a Victor or Victim , now
you repent and weep , the either side
Now you sign for peace
now you want to wash clean , -with helpess tears
you the victor or the sufferring victim -find
the Demonic War does end.

Better, take your stock or- count and feel
all around the dead, and melting mounds
the maggots, countless crowd and crawl
patrify or pitrify all your hopes and dreams
whether you win or lose
only the warring Stage does win in final count
You both and all your allies are
only the actors or pawns
on the Stge of WAR AND DEATH !
{written on 10/11/75 in Bengai, Transpirated on 07/08/2010]

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