Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ONCE UPON A TIMEE(Capsule History)

Once upon a time, several thousand years ago, there was a great country called BHARAT VARSHA , that gave 'Vedanta' , the first spiritual ideas , to the world .
Then came the invaders to the complacent and lazy land and the picture fell on its face.
With bang, came the Persians , could not pronounce the word SINDHU; deviced the slang HINDUs for the Land and the poor Bharatyas were stamped "HINDU". The conquered had to accept. The geographical ' slang' became a Religion replacing "Sanatan Dharma'
Then came the Greeks, could not pronounce the word SINDHU and again gave it a slang decor and Bharat became INDUS/INDIAN ,they accepted it, not daring to protest or reverse.
Then , long long after, the country became free but the happy and proud Leaders became more happy with the foreign decor and forgot to re-name the Motherland. They were proud to be 'INDIANS' and accepted the term HINDU. The result ; - the word 'HINDU ' underwent the full communal EVOLUTION. The subsequent culmination is history and the Westen world(British Rule) won the political CHESS_GAME .
Final story : CRICKET( minus Olympic prestige) -the colonial left-out// BOLLYWOOD ,-the copy-cat make-up //now the Ameican twisted accent of Dad/ Mom/Hi / etc ..etc & etc.
Now' the' Global Auction' of the' Antique-Civilisation' & a PM is ,yet, awaiting too long for a face-saving CALL from the new PRESIDENT of USA.


At last ! the INDIAN P.M, (whose closest friend was (or still is) the ex-president of USA, from 01/21/09 ), gets the first love-call from the newly elected USA -President , Barak Obama !

Good news for the largest democracy..... Better late than never.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

WHAT A CONTRAST (About Democracy)

Somewhere, some country on this Globe with so much huge population claim to have the largest Democracy!
Even after more than half century period of liberation:
i. fractured policy and gambling technique with selfish groupism is the 'Mantra' of holding power to exploit.Most politicians are wearing masked faces or are using heavymake-ups .
ii. Patriotism, now, , is a defeated ideal and burried deep . Agressive canine greed and base -interest of self-service is the frame, called 'Politics' .
iii. Leadership ,now, is an 'Auction'-game of ruling class over the trapped & tricked population by manufactured show of sympathy and (hidden) impotency of Capcity.
But what to do! ...."you get a Govt, as you deserve" .So, let all pray for divine intervention.

21st Cencury : DEMOCRACY WINS , At last , in U.S.A

1.At last ,ispite od Global turmoil and 'Black ventures' gambling 'leadership, the 'Democracy' has won the opening battle agaist dark forces as proved by the result of the U.S.A - Election,2008.
ii. Skin colour does not matter, any more but Soul-spectrum does.
iii. Experience is not the claim but the Capacity to change and enlarge and embrace are.
iv. Popularity index of only 28% should not allow one to stay on the 'throne' even for another day. Let the Constitution be ammended and avoid this risk.(this is the weakest position in the system. Why should one have the right to stick or stay,even for a day, with such pathetic popularity.
I am thrilled and inspired by the Election-result and my faith is re-born/revived.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

To Post-Election OBAMA, The President

Captain ! Captain ! now the change
as you promised and we all hoped
not for USA,only ,-now torn and worn
but for everyone on this suffering globe.

The storm, the tornedo , the cyclonic time
all human-values now butchered or burnt
Capttain, the World is eagerly awaiting your turn
the Ship ,the Sail ,the Sea must come to term.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

GLOBAL CHANGE (Post USA - Election)

Oh! you, the young Captain, - should declare now
You'll-not only, bring 'CHANGE' for USA, dear
but change the condition of this 'Planet' and then
bring smiles on this suffering 'sphere'.

Enough arsenals and killing rage
has frightened this abused and- deprived Globe
The fanatic faith and dogamtic mind
is playing havoc on human-hope !

Captain ! Captain ! This is your turn
to allow sanity now, a safe 'return' .

Experience ?? what is it !

John Mc Cain claims to have life-long 'Experience' which Obama has not.
Well. - If he had that Life - long experience, what he was doing with that, during his last battle against his own party rival. Mr. Bush during the last Election in 200o ! Why his party did not respect his experience and selected the other, with no experience on this issue?

As G.B.Shaw said:
'It is not the experience alone, but the capacity to learn from it that makes the difference.
If exprience was such important factor, then the oldest stone of London would be wiser than
Shakespeare' .

Now, do You get it, dear Republican Sir !
4th Nov, 2008