Thursday, November 6, 2008

21st Cencury : DEMOCRACY WINS , At last , in U.S.A

1.At last ,ispite od Global turmoil and 'Black ventures' gambling 'leadership, the 'Democracy' has won the opening battle agaist dark forces as proved by the result of the U.S.A - Election,2008.
ii. Skin colour does not matter, any more but Soul-spectrum does.
iii. Experience is not the claim but the Capacity to change and enlarge and embrace are.
iv. Popularity index of only 28% should not allow one to stay on the 'throne' even for another day. Let the Constitution be ammended and avoid this risk.(this is the weakest position in the system. Why should one have the right to stick or stay,even for a day, with such pathetic popularity.
I am thrilled and inspired by the Election-result and my faith is re-born/revived.

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