Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ONCE UPON A TIMEE(Capsule History)

Once upon a time, several thousand years ago, there was a great country called BHARAT VARSHA , that gave 'Vedanta' , the first spiritual ideas , to the world .
Then came the invaders to the complacent and lazy land and the picture fell on its face.
With bang, came the Persians , could not pronounce the word SINDHU; deviced the slang HINDUs for the Land and the poor Bharatyas were stamped "HINDU". The conquered had to accept. The geographical ' slang' became a Religion replacing "Sanatan Dharma'
Then came the Greeks, could not pronounce the word SINDHU and again gave it a slang decor and Bharat became INDUS/INDIAN ,they accepted it, not daring to protest or reverse.
Then , long long after, the country became free but the happy and proud Leaders became more happy with the foreign decor and forgot to re-name the Motherland. They were proud to be 'INDIANS' and accepted the term HINDU. The result ; - the word 'HINDU ' underwent the full communal EVOLUTION. The subsequent culmination is history and the Westen world(British Rule) won the political CHESS_GAME .
Final story : CRICKET( minus Olympic prestige) -the colonial left-out// BOLLYWOOD ,-the copy-cat make-up //now the Ameican twisted accent of Dad/ Mom/Hi / etc ..etc & etc.
Now' the' Global Auction' of the' Antique-Civilisation' & a PM is ,yet, awaiting too long for a face-saving CALL from the new PRESIDENT of USA.

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