Saturday, March 31, 2007

` Cry Baby ,CRY !! ( India gets as she deserves)

Pak & Ind wanted to win the World Cup Cricket
but as both were weak-kneed , they had to outsource their Leader-ship position to foregn-brand Coach.
They were both successful in getrting their `Foreign - husbavds `,(i mean, -coach.----but sadly one was murdetrd and the other bacame un-happy with the low vital quality & skill of his players.===============
But both Teams lost and what a National Funeral ! India (a foreign word - not `bharat) seemed \`orphan` & 90% India looked so sad , as if their `Sita-s` taken away by `RAVANA`
50 yrs back, half of the population of mad -mad cricket lovers would leave their office-works to show their illegitimate love ,causing millions of labour-hour loss, while cried and yet danced on Maidan to vent out their passion for this colonial game. Even today -so vibrant with `Copy-cat` heart,they utter japas like- Bollywood, bolly -where art thou !/ we are waiting for `MULLYWOOD ` now

Thursday, March 29, 2007

`Reservation for ` all types of appoinment/election

( NEWS -NDTV - DT 29/march/07 , ET -9 am)
Yes , I also support the the policy of protecting the deprived section including the OB-Cs. Let the Quota system be respected and effected as per India`s Constitution( with Amendment, if necessary).
For the better, , I further suggest that all types of post (govt. or private; institutional or elected) should be filled in similar way. That is :- if the Reservation Law is 51 % for OB Cs, then even the parliamentary posts ,Secretary posts,Cabinet post ,including the tenure of Presidency , Prime-minister ship , should be given the same system of occupation according to percentage of population and percentage of time -occupied. To make it simpler, 51 % of time , the president , or PM, or Cabinet posts should be reserved as per the RESERVATION-rule , now in force.
One Question here, (from this ignorant idler) . What does the word India mean? Is it a Sanskrit or, a Hindi -name (seems `Greek` to me)..Wat is `Hindu` ? Is it a Sanskrit or a distorted word name ? And what is the difference between Bollywood or ` Mullywood `?
Finally please, educate me by informing - What is `Copy-cat Syndrome? Is it a disease or some habit ?
(under umbrella of 1st Amendment)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


This looks not good , in spite of spring -time flavour.
Some Mr. Tac -kain or, what is his name? Looks fallen with stooping spine.
seems,- has not that power any more or know the way his Ship is sailing with twisted mast.
will not suit well for the Top- post . in spite of his brilliant past .
Some of his close friends should tell, -`brother it is different game and time.
let us return Home and relax. There is always a higher sphere`.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Thank You AMERICA ( Political Saiire)

Thank You, AMRIKA,
On behalf of all Iraqi-s , now in a burning inferno,
also on behalf of all Iraqi- s, alive, wounded or dead .
Thank you again , though I am uninvited and not authorised
Your Country has done so much -with your
more than 300o dead; and30,000 wounded or crippled

Great show and performance indeed
for -more than 4 years , though Iraq needs
about a decade more and a few more billion dollars
with some more of your mistakes
and -with god`s blessings on neither side
we will recover while you may be demoted to
a Third Power , as your fate.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


The issue of VOTING for the WAR against SADDAM is over for a long time.
The regime is no more and tying the Civil war issue with the SADDAM-WAR, though clever political game ,shows neither wisdom nor action. The SADDAM case for which u got the vote and support is long over. Now to send our boys to gallows , just for power- chess-play , may be politics but not patriotism.

America has no moral base to sneak into others` Civil -War and ,play supremacy while getting our own sons killed.
How many of our top leaders have their young sons fighting this wrong war in Iraq !
May we get the information thru the Administration or elsewhere ?

`Serve and save ourselves , at the cost of `silent lambs` on the alter !! --- who said it ?-nobody ! But someone should !

Burnig issue


`what was voted for was another waR, finished long back`

-----------------------------------------------------News -6pm, 3/23/07 ;Ch -12

`the die is cast and all is over`
-David Copperfield
*`party-ego, politics and patriotism - are different words at up-down levels of Dictionary-Book `-PIBI

Friday, March 23, 2007


` I accuse` - or` I confess` ; both are statements , of great Authors
But ,here, I accuse that the madness for Cricket ( Colonial -sport- system ) is at the root of the other day`s murder of Pakisttan`s coach. CRICKET has ever been a game played by countries under the rule of Ex-British Raj and during my young days , I was often teased for speaking against the CRICKET GAMES (n 1940 -s ,& fifty-s and even after wards) . Dusing 5-day match system , million of labours hours were sucked into the game . Even office workers left their work. .This was my observation and experience in my home-land (India struggling to develop and miilions of work- hours lost during each 5- day series). As always was a rebel, I promised not to see cricket matck and spoke it loudly and was teased.Cricket is not even an event of Olympic games. Indians, especially Bengalees, are almost addicted to it. Now, in one-day-match , the craze has ben takenover by under-world business. Even media like NDTV has made it its `Mantra` to start its news with Cricket ! I wish god wiped off `Cricket` from West Bengal and saved its Culture. (Tagore`s land is still name d -`West Bengal`; what a shame! ) .
Only or mostly , countries under the Ex-British Raj, play Cricket . Am I wrong?

THE CRY FROM THE SKY (Political Satire)

writing now under First Amendment ment ,-( free speech
and with the help of 2ndAmendment -`right to arm ` as
pen is ` mightier than the sword`
****** *******
The Iraq war is over - is it not !( the war against Saddam ) -though wrongly !
Saddam `wanted to kill my dad` ! and revenge- rituals followed
But now -a funny War like `Don Quixote` , whose brain dried up
due to absurd whims and claims - repeated too often.

While Iraq was made an imaginary enemy designed by someone`s whim ( WMD ????)
Now we are making a national Grave -yard
by filling up our home -land , with returning deads
(our own children) by the choice of two top men-who
never had been in war ,nor learnt to fight - when it was their time.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Is it another `Sunami or Cyclonic storm
or the tornedo -huge
or a catastrophy-like
New Orlean`s busting Dam
I do not know

Like a police dog
it seems, -I smell , something beyond
or -maybe
nothing that strong - but
only an `impeachment`.
I wish - I am wrong !

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I am not against the `root -value` of my religion ,but against the name itself. The word `hindu` is a `Persian slang ` identifying our mother-Land & religion as they could,( just like `India `or `Indians`, both - Greek slangs).
If `they` could not pronounce `Sind or Sindhu desh` , that`s their fault, not ours. So , that should not have authorised them to make us `Hindus, or Indians. nor should we have submitted to it.
The real name of Hinduism should be-`Vedantik or Sanatana Dharma` , as Swami Vivekananda suggested.
Before `freedom` , we had no choice but to accept such nomenclatures. But if after we became free in 1947, we still copy-cat, the Invaders, `choice, -well ` may God help us.
Bombay has , now, been renamed Mumbai ; and `Bollywood -lovers` are at a fix! Should they not now re-name it - Mully-wood ( afterMUMBAI) to stick to their Hollywood-adoration!
`East Pakistan`` has becomre `Bangladesh`as soon as they regained freedom but Rabindranath`s ` Sinar bangla` is still `west Bengal` !What a specimen of culture !!
Copy- cat` -ing habit is not a genetic disease but -but,(may be, the result of very , very long dominatiion, under foreign rulers.


Tell me how Should I read the BIBLE` !( I do not like to be named `hindu`. The word is a persian slang.By the grace of Swami Vivekananda`s advice, I am happy to be a Sanatanist
. Now , in USA the Lawmakers` view is that -we are all , `under God`. But my religion`sanatan dharma` teaches us that we all and every thing arewithin - the Absolute , who or whicht is , within everything , all beings t That. `God` is neither he nor she nor it and manifest tas everything , everywhere , all beings -(like a spider making the net out of itself -Vedanta). So , if we are under God ( by Occidental view):-
1.what are the things ` above God`, or` below god` or` behind god` etc
2 Is God a biological (magician) ? Has he got a Spouse or is He eternal bachelor.
3. Finally, has God a belly-button , because that `complex` issue, denies him to be the First Cause and raises the issue of parent-hood, an aftermath- Evolution.
Yhen God must have veen an AFEE(absent from early Evolution) to make his presence at about 4000B. C! So, please tell, what is meant by the term `Under God` !

Ethics & Paathos

(Satirical Poetry)
Not `comedy of errors` -now on stage
it is tragedy of blunders here to face`

Our `supreme` -, has never, fought a war
while his `right hand` miss the unarmed (innocent) bird
yet, shoots his friend to prove his skill
is it not ` tragedy of error ` ? -or God`s will !

The decline has started , at last here
we are trapped, -by Chess-play politics ,dear
`yellow race will master this Century, -know
a sage predicted this 100 yrs ( & more) ago
(have the proof, - if you don`t believe !)

Monday, March 19, 2007

`Missiles of defence,

Wonderful idea. Mr. Don & foreign sec, ;advocated the Modern Home Security Defence -Missile System for all friendly Nations. Let the Global-poverty solve its own problem or Ecological issues study new Biological survival tech ...Need . just a few more trillions for this grand idea.
UN-quotable Quotes
`mission accomplished...... we have prevailed` ......... yet need only a few more years only.
`He can run , but can not hide !` --- see it is wilder than our Wild west ! `............(and the Enemy is not -co-operting !

`The operation was successful` - but the patient is dead, ---( old saying )

`See we are dead tired after fighting for more than four years ! What can we do !! The enemy is growing like `population over-growth !` !!! - pibi ( SATIRICAL OBSERVATIONS ) ; CHILDOF 2nd amendment.