Monday, March 19, 2007

`Missiles of defence,

Wonderful idea. Mr. Don & foreign sec, ;advocated the Modern Home Security Defence -Missile System for all friendly Nations. Let the Global-poverty solve its own problem or Ecological issues study new Biological survival tech ...Need . just a few more trillions for this grand idea.
UN-quotable Quotes
`mission accomplished...... we have prevailed` ......... yet need only a few more years only.
`He can run , but can not hide !` --- see it is wilder than our Wild west ! `............(and the Enemy is not -co-operting !

`The operation was successful` - but the patient is dead, ---( old saying )

`See we are dead tired after fighting for more than four years ! What can we do !! The enemy is growing like `population over-growth !` !!! - pibi ( SATIRICAL OBSERVATIONS ) ; CHILDOF 2nd amendment.

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