Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I am not against the `root -value` of my religion ,but against the name itself. The word `hindu` is a `Persian slang ` identifying our mother-Land & religion as they could,( just like `India `or `Indians`, both - Greek slangs).
If `they` could not pronounce `Sind or Sindhu desh` , that`s their fault, not ours. So , that should not have authorised them to make us `Hindus, or Indians. nor should we have submitted to it.
The real name of Hinduism should be-`Vedantik or Sanatana Dharma` , as Swami Vivekananda suggested.
Before `freedom` , we had no choice but to accept such nomenclatures. But if after we became free in 1947, we still copy-cat, the Invaders, `choice, -well ` may God help us.
Bombay has , now, been renamed Mumbai ; and `Bollywood -lovers` are at a fix! Should they not now re-name it - Mully-wood ( afterMUMBAI) to stick to their Hollywood-adoration!
`East Pakistan`` has becomre `Bangladesh`as soon as they regained freedom but Rabindranath`s ` Sinar bangla` is still `west Bengal` !What a specimen of culture !!
Copy- cat` -ing habit is not a genetic disease but -but,(may be, the result of very , very long dominatiion, under foreign rulers.

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