Friday, March 23, 2007


` I accuse` - or` I confess` ; both are statements , of great Authors
But ,here, I accuse that the madness for Cricket ( Colonial -sport- system ) is at the root of the other day`s murder of Pakisttan`s coach. CRICKET has ever been a game played by countries under the rule of Ex-British Raj and during my young days , I was often teased for speaking against the CRICKET GAMES (n 1940 -s ,& fifty-s and even after wards) . Dusing 5-day match system , million of labours hours were sucked into the game . Even office workers left their work. .This was my observation and experience in my home-land (India struggling to develop and miilions of work- hours lost during each 5- day series). As always was a rebel, I promised not to see cricket matck and spoke it loudly and was teased.Cricket is not even an event of Olympic games. Indians, especially Bengalees, are almost addicted to it. Now, in one-day-match , the craze has ben takenover by under-world business. Even media like NDTV has made it its `Mantra` to start its news with Cricket ! I wish god wiped off `Cricket` from West Bengal and saved its Culture. (Tagore`s land is still name d -`West Bengal`; what a shame! ) .
Only or mostly , countries under the Ex-British Raj, play Cricket . Am I wrong?

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