Sunday, May 31, 2009


The above Quote is from the world of Cosmology[ Multiple Universes].
But I am speaking of this insane World - Industry producing more and more Nuclear arsenals for a sure suicidal success...... Now that North Korea has earned the status of a 'Glove-destroyer" and has given proof of the impotency of World-opinion, the have-nots - markets of the smaller Nations are now free to buy Nuclear status on 'Credit-Card' techniques. Get now and pay later basis! Even the Brief-Case bombs may be available like E-Tickets- scheme and within reachable time nd payments . So , some day we will have a world of plenty, threatening each other even on any street-corner. Of course, Uno will hold regular meetings warning us as their routine practice and to glorify World--peace.

Hearie ! Hearie !! - the World.

Just back from Sunderban area(West Bengal) my neighbour, sj. Animesh Chakravarty (of 42 G.T. Road [E], Konnagar,Hoogly pin 712235) , a Popular Social Service worker ( NGO ) and also a SBI employee, told the tragic story: the after-math-tale of Storm-striken Snderban-area,- that about 51 lac-people are affected and every thing of the already poor people are getting sunk or swallowed by flood Water. Now , almost after a week, they are gasping & struggling to live on-' simply nothing' !!
And ... and...& - the State govt & the 'winner' opposition-party are wrestling a political 'semi-final' to conrol the Cent. Govt relief- sanction of about 11,000 crores for creating a stage show to prove : - who is really the ' mother-soul ' and thus to gain more in popularity-score.. It is really worse than the quote "Playing flute while Rome was burning'. .... But when the final game will be over and the Govt Relief -Measure will start ?? !! ??? 31.05.09 ;7 pm

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Report from India

'Where the Adminisraton Went Wrong' -broods the C.M, West Bengal. News [T.O.I ; 25/05/09.]
Well I think the fault lies in Aging -complacency , Egoistic [poliptical ] over- confidence, and sub-soil-corruption level growing like fungus/parasite , in the root level of the geriatric political health.
Go to the root level and examine like a Clinician and what you see!If at that level, a party unit behaves like a tribal- lord with a group of strong-muscles and for ordinary dumb and innocent mass & say : 'please the party-men locally or suffer'. This is what ['I think' but can not prove.] may be a cause .
In short, , the' internet connection' of a party at the top is lost at group-unit level and the worst ,- the connection with the silent mass is thought 'unnecessary'.
Result : -wait for the next election and we will know. Or re-gain the peripheral Circulation and dis-allow corruption and physical terror. It has reached the 'critical level' of endurance-stress.


While Mamata could not resist the temptation of Cabinet-post [Railway],Rahul Gandhi proved his mature wisdom of remaining outside and thus ganing more political power in the Party -control-room with his skillful organisational talent and youth-brigade for more future growth and control.
Here is one situation where the Trino -Mool Cong -leader has stepped into a risk-factor .
Any power -cap will show sign of erosion & invite public-di-illusion by Law of Entropy, while her base (W,Bengal) is left bare without promise & sign of building growng 'youth-force'.
Anyway , she and Lord knows the best and Future will paint the true picture.

Friday, May 22, 2009

CNN News dt 22/05/09 : Obama Cheney Clash

My view [personal] : But as regards to personal-security it is never safe to depend on Dick Cheney or even be around him He is such a sharp shooter that it is more likely that he will shoot his friend standing near than any bird he is aiming at. He - a good security adviser ? -- Oh ! no !!.
( This quip is in lighter vein)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

NOT SO QUICK ; (The Play has only started )

Even Sanjoy Gandhi (Rahul's Uncle ), son of the famous and ex-prime Miniser late Indira Gandhi came with a 'bang' on the Indian-Stage with his 'youth Brigade' and began in a great way in the Parliament and outside. That is a recorded history and it ended , sadly in another way , with his tragic death.
Now a new star is on the horizon of Indian Political stage and with good result and great hope for all ordinary people. The final acting on the last show on the 'Stage' will take time to reveal the outcome . Whether our 'Politicians' corrupt practices and oportunistic groupism will be rooted out henceforth (for the welfare of the Nation) or this new venture and hope also, will end in a Black-hole tragedy, it is too early to formulate. Let us see and hope for better or the best !
Now that many with ccriminal past records have been pushed backt or kept out is a good sign for all who desire a real Democracy.

DON'T DESERT THE 'GAME , - {Mid-field ]

Mamata Devi, - I know it is not my business to advise you nor even my opinion has a market- value. But I also know , I have the constitutional-right to my opinion.
And -don't leave West-Bengal to join the Central Cabinet, even if it be a heavy portfolio. Since you ahave not yet any 'Rahul' -for the young -group to jack up the youth of Bengal and prepare them for the next and main show , you should stay back for West Bengal and let the Young(honest) Bengal rise [not even to win the 'Game ' but to clean up/expose the present "cancerous, corruption at all levels of govt administration].
Even during my present short stay here I am 'smelling rats', in my occassional dealings. So, Stay back until West Bengal looks clean and back with 'character'.
Maybe, the culture in this part needs some 'mother -SHAKTI' to revive its lost glory. ='parashar'


To me, and according to my recent experiences(I think) that corruption at govt level is several times more in West Bengal than in any other part of India.
It is good that the very very old and rooted organised system is ,perhaps, crumbling by silent opinion of the people thru this Election-process held so recently. You can not get anything done, I think, with any help of rule or law and without making some 'hand-shakes'.
It is also good that a new wave of youth-movement, and eencouraging Election- results, free of bargaining and gangstarism [with inner mantra of oportunism],is now on the rise, as the Parliamentary Election - results are now declared and evident. Let us wait and see.
Once, Politics was almost a synonym of Patriotism ! To day , it seems, Politics is more an applied science of financial marketing and weilding brute- power to exploit the simple, honest
and comon rank of helpless people, with whose votes the the 'elected rulers' betray them !

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

PAKISTAN - The New WORLD- Headeche ! ! !

But who is to blame ? // who was or were the 'author' of Taliban & Al' queda?//Troubling others by inventing 'new terrorism' has now grown 'Global' and ,now, threaten the 'creators, too. [& REMEDY!?]

1. The two' Big brothers' now must declare openly,- to destroy their own N-arsenals under UNO supervision. 2. Then all other 'Chela'-Nations sould be forced to destroy their N-arsenal too and all new ventures of N-arsenal production should be dumped/destroyed jointly under Security councils supervision. 3. Then any nation found with destructive N-design should be declared an Enemy of Humanity and dealt in a way, - killer germs/viruses are dealt in hospital to cure people. 4. So long the Big-Brothers do keep even a single N-bomb in their safe-vault, they have no moral right to sing sermons or play the role of a priest.[ a few bombs can wipe out human-population and there are already thousad(s) to wipe us out many-times over ! Who will be left to repeat the show after the first show anihilates all. The very idea of producing more, is farcical indeed ! ! And Terrosism ! !- how the 'virus' grew and who cared to do the Research ??

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Like, on ' Noa's Arc' before the ' flood' , the whole world population is now again, sailing on the single Ship of' survival' or getting drowned.
In this 21st century of Quantum technology,it is a shame that half of the world is starving and the other developing and developed half is craving for competitive Nuclear- Death or commercial piracy (or cheating) or canine supremacy !
Thou Humanity! , - are you progrssing , evolving or reverting to the 'Black-hole 'Collapse of Consciousness !
Well, you will surely get what you deserve : for that is the Divine's Cosmic law!