Wednesday, May 20, 2009


To me, and according to my recent experiences(I think) that corruption at govt level is several times more in West Bengal than in any other part of India.
It is good that the very very old and rooted organised system is ,perhaps, crumbling by silent opinion of the people thru this Election-process held so recently. You can not get anything done, I think, with any help of rule or law and without making some 'hand-shakes'.
It is also good that a new wave of youth-movement, and eencouraging Election- results, free of bargaining and gangstarism [with inner mantra of oportunism],is now on the rise, as the Parliamentary Election - results are now declared and evident. Let us wait and see.
Once, Politics was almost a synonym of Patriotism ! To day , it seems, Politics is more an applied science of financial marketing and weilding brute- power to exploit the simple, honest
and comon rank of helpless people, with whose votes the the 'elected rulers' betray them !

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