Wednesday, May 20, 2009

DON'T DESERT THE 'GAME , - {Mid-field ]

Mamata Devi, - I know it is not my business to advise you nor even my opinion has a market- value. But I also know , I have the constitutional-right to my opinion.
And -don't leave West-Bengal to join the Central Cabinet, even if it be a heavy portfolio. Since you ahave not yet any 'Rahul' -for the young -group to jack up the youth of Bengal and prepare them for the next and main show , you should stay back for West Bengal and let the Young(honest) Bengal rise [not even to win the 'Game ' but to clean up/expose the present "cancerous, corruption at all levels of govt administration].
Even during my present short stay here I am 'smelling rats', in my occassional dealings. So, Stay back until West Bengal looks clean and back with 'character'.
Maybe, the culture in this part needs some 'mother -SHAKTI' to revive its lost glory. ='parashar'

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