Sunday, May 24, 2009

Report from India

'Where the Adminisraton Went Wrong' -broods the C.M, West Bengal. News [T.O.I ; 25/05/09.]
Well I think the fault lies in Aging -complacency , Egoistic [poliptical ] over- confidence, and sub-soil-corruption level growing like fungus/parasite , in the root level of the geriatric political health.
Go to the root level and examine like a Clinician and what you see!If at that level, a party unit behaves like a tribal- lord with a group of strong-muscles and for ordinary dumb and innocent mass & say : 'please the party-men locally or suffer'. This is what ['I think' but can not prove.] may be a cause .
In short, , the' internet connection' of a party at the top is lost at group-unit level and the worst ,- the connection with the silent mass is thought 'unnecessary'.
Result : -wait for the next election and we will know. Or re-gain the peripheral Circulation and dis-allow corruption and physical terror. It has reached the 'critical level' of endurance-stress.

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