Sunday, April 22, 2007

GLOBAL VIEW (International Field) :
` let there be Light and there was Light` !
Then long , long ,, and long after .... , a Super-power said ` tear down the Berlin Wall ` ... and it was torn down.................................................... !
Now the lasting super power wished again :
-` let the Bagdad - Wall rise up` ! ,,,,
And started rising.............. !
How in lesser words certain Global views can be described ? ....................................
Would anyone,please `teach me !

Friday, April 20, 2007

FINAL `TREATMENT`, (Either way)

[ Virginia -tragedy]
That young man, - mentally sick
not cared for , not even noticed by
the neighbours or society around
all these time
finally enacts and brings
his sick and vicious
inside -, out !
He returns and surrender to his `dark` power-house
to write the theme of another `Survival`
not by living
but by building -`Death`, all around
and over-whelming `Time`
forcing his society to know
how to sub-due a `modern world
and then be `immortal` over-night-
with `eager media` well en-trapped !

Thursday, April 19, 2007

YOUR CRAZY QUESTION AND MY SILLY ANSWER (Aftermath of Virginia-Massacre) event 04/18/07

YOUR CRAZY QUESTION AND MY SILLY ANSWER (Aftermath of Virginia-Massacre) event 04/18/07
Q. why God allowed such horrific & tragic event to happen ? [ ANS:] - to reveal that there are still higher souls like that of Prof . Librescu who in spite of `Holocaust-experience and crumbling age(76), did not hesitate to carry the `cross`l to save.` lives`..
Q:But God could have intervened ! [ ANS:] God is a name without form and is not a biological `power-House` with a Belly-button nor, holding an executive office. .If God is ! -that is collective Consciousness which include your noble thoughts and my vile egoistic selfish ideas ( Light without darkness is a foolish concept)).
Q : But why mass killers like `Cho` are are brought in this world. [ Ans]: Why useless old man like me are allowed to live and Librescu (s) have to die ! It is now proved that, Cho was not a criminal but a sick man. and the silly `affluent world` is competing to be super-power first, than helping the poor world and mentally ill patients , get back their hungry belly filled and traumatised mind repaired in time.! God , even by our standard ,has to deal and live with all his children -good , bad & ugly.. Q. What is the remedy ? [ANS]: Make less Iraq -wars and help the help-less and mentally weak, first and blame your `God` last.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Should every one be allowed to have arms even for self -defence ? I can only speak for myself :

In my young days, I read `Arms and the Man` -by G.B.S, where a character challenged the hero in a French-type duel` , selected a pistol for himself and allowed his enemy his own choice. The hero made the choice of a Machine gun. The Challenger was taken aback and the hero replied that as he was not sure of his own shooting skill, so he had to be sure of the type of his weapon.
There has always been lots of educated debate regarding allowing liberal right to arms. For myself , even if I have three guns by my side , I shall take no less than half-an-hour to decide whether I should kill anyone, even, in self defence, And I might have to be given at least five chances to hit my target (self defence.). So, it is not only the gun , but you have to be as quick as a `Western`-shooter ,minus your conscious-heart to face a killer like one of the `Virginia -Tech- Tragedy` .
Know, the NRA will offer better grounds for free sale of guns to anyone including me. But even then I may need a `helping hand`..

Monday, April 16, 2007

`BLACK -HOLE ` TRAGEDY !: CNN News Dt. 04/16/07[3-30pm ,ET]

`The `Event -Horizon ` of Black Hole. ? No ! Don`t need to consult ,even, Stephen Hawking. This is around the neck of America and some what like an `OMEN` not to be explained under a microscope nor by Hubble`s Telescope nor by quantum Mechanics.
For the last few years unto this very moment ,events after events including `wraths of Nature ``involving this Nation, unto the VIRCINIA MASSACRE, ( event of to day -04/16/07) !
it seems like a `syndrome` of collapse of Time or Civilisation or uncertainty-principle of Heisenberg or some predestination! All thoughts jumble uo with chaotic response within mind !
What is happening to this great Country in terms of Nature`s fury or War or random episodes of crime and killing.. and giant-failures !
It is impossible to guess , grumble or even sit somewhere to grieve until we know what is the real cause and ultimate prognosis of this Country and this` Baby- Century` involved !!
I feel too much wounded in spirit and heart to express better, while I am hearing the sound of firing on TV and learning that more than 30 dead ! {Still hear the voice of CNN`s Wolf-`Horrific ..horrific ! !.............!!!`} 4-10 pm ; 04/16/07, ET.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

`Cricket` virus is taking a toll on the land of Bharat-varsha.

FUTURE OF Bharat (India) : aftermath of NDTV-News -4/3/07; 9pm ET

Three factors will decide the future ,fate and fortune of Future Bharat that still has not corrected its addiction to `foren` title -`India `( Greek slang/sound)
To return to that ancient glory of the Land of `Bharata` , three corrective steps should be taken . They are three C-s IE:
C. Cricket-game to be banned(Considering the effect of labour-hour loss and inheriting colonial addicting follow-up of British Raj Past-tim/practices).
C. Character to be built up(Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda to be a compulsory as a subject {Ethics}at all school-college -post graduate level to know Vedic & Bharatya Culture.
C. `Copy-cat ` habit to be discouraged: like `Bollywood`...`india`. West baengal.. `hindustan` and other addictions copying even forign negetive culture and habits (etc,etc.

Monday, April 2, 2007

News -NDTV 24/7 :5-33pm (Bharat)Direct rv : ET 8-03pm: GOD-FATHER CRICKET

NDTV is doing smart Business.The GOd -father word for Bharati-s , these days , is CRICKET!The British Raj ,left in 1947 ,has keft a very infectious virus , Cricket, as aftermath revenge.I wrote before ,that in my school days(1938-47),it was a 5- day-match.(still Dependent). And even unto 1960s or more all office works and other labour-hours were burnt to feed the Cricket addiction alive. What suffered -was economy and labou-hours !
Now, Medias,including NDTD starts is whole puja with Cricket- MANTRA first(Surya pranam)
We knew even then that only colonial countries play cricket and it is not even an Olympic Game Being ruled by foreign powers for centuries,even, millenium, we are transformed so much by `genetic-mutation? )that ,we have forgotten tha our Mother land is Bharat-varsha ,- not India( a Greek slang); we are not Hindus(a persian slang ) but vedantic -followers or Sanatanist(Eternal humanism). But it is useless and even dangerous to assert. Even after being a free Nation , we changed from `Bombay to `Bollywood(now perhaps, -to Mullywood -after Mumbai). Even this century will `up-lift` us to American `slangs` and other `copy-cat-ings`. God ,help us not !