Monday, April 16, 2007

`BLACK -HOLE ` TRAGEDY !: CNN News Dt. 04/16/07[3-30pm ,ET]

`The `Event -Horizon ` of Black Hole. ? No ! Don`t need to consult ,even, Stephen Hawking. This is around the neck of America and some what like an `OMEN` not to be explained under a microscope nor by Hubble`s Telescope nor by quantum Mechanics.
For the last few years unto this very moment ,events after events including `wraths of Nature ``involving this Nation, unto the VIRCINIA MASSACRE, ( event of to day -04/16/07) !
it seems like a `syndrome` of collapse of Time or Civilisation or uncertainty-principle of Heisenberg or some predestination! All thoughts jumble uo with chaotic response within mind !
What is happening to this great Country in terms of Nature`s fury or War or random episodes of crime and killing.. and giant-failures !
It is impossible to guess , grumble or even sit somewhere to grieve until we know what is the real cause and ultimate prognosis of this Country and this` Baby- Century` involved !!
I feel too much wounded in spirit and heart to express better, while I am hearing the sound of firing on TV and learning that more than 30 dead ! {Still hear the voice of CNN`s Wolf-`Horrific ..horrific ! !.............!!!`} 4-10 pm ; 04/16/07, ET.

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