Tuesday, April 3, 2007

`Cricket` virus is taking a toll on the land of Bharat-varsha.

FUTURE OF Bharat (India) : aftermath of NDTV-News -4/3/07; 9pm ET

Three factors will decide the future ,fate and fortune of Future Bharat that still has not corrected its addiction to `foren` title -`India `( Greek slang/sound)
To return to that ancient glory of the Land of `Bharata` , three corrective steps should be taken . They are three C-s IE:
C. Cricket-game to be banned(Considering the effect of labour-hour loss and inheriting colonial addicting follow-up of British Raj Past-tim/practices).
C. Character to be built up(Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda to be a compulsory as a subject {Ethics}at all school-college -post graduate level to know Vedic & Bharatya Culture.
C. `Copy-cat ` habit to be discouraged: like `Bollywood`...`india`. West baengal.. `hindustan` and other addictions copying even forign negetive culture and habits (etc,etc.

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