Monday, April 2, 2007

News -NDTV 24/7 :5-33pm (Bharat)Direct rv : ET 8-03pm: GOD-FATHER CRICKET

NDTV is doing smart Business.The GOd -father word for Bharati-s , these days , is CRICKET!The British Raj ,left in 1947 ,has keft a very infectious virus , Cricket, as aftermath revenge.I wrote before ,that in my school days(1938-47),it was a 5- day-match.(still Dependent). And even unto 1960s or more all office works and other labour-hours were burnt to feed the Cricket addiction alive. What suffered -was economy and labou-hours !
Now, Medias,including NDTD starts is whole puja with Cricket- MANTRA first(Surya pranam)
We knew even then that only colonial countries play cricket and it is not even an Olympic Game Being ruled by foreign powers for centuries,even, millenium, we are transformed so much by `genetic-mutation? )that ,we have forgotten tha our Mother land is Bharat-varsha ,- not India( a Greek slang); we are not Hindus(a persian slang ) but vedantic -followers or Sanatanist(Eternal humanism). But it is useless and even dangerous to assert. Even after being a free Nation , we changed from `Bombay to `Bollywood(now perhaps, -to Mullywood -after Mumbai). Even this century will `up-lift` us to American `slangs` and other `copy-cat-ings`. God ,help us not !

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