Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Should every one be allowed to have arms even for self -defence ? I can only speak for myself :

In my young days, I read `Arms and the Man` -by G.B.S, where a character challenged the hero in a French-type duel` , selected a pistol for himself and allowed his enemy his own choice. The hero made the choice of a Machine gun. The Challenger was taken aback and the hero replied that as he was not sure of his own shooting skill, so he had to be sure of the type of his weapon.
There has always been lots of educated debate regarding allowing liberal right to arms. For myself , even if I have three guns by my side , I shall take no less than half-an-hour to decide whether I should kill anyone, even, in self defence, And I might have to be given at least five chances to hit my target (self defence.). So, it is not only the gun , but you have to be as quick as a `Western`-shooter ,minus your conscious-heart to face a killer like one of the `Virginia -Tech- Tragedy` .
Know, the NRA will offer better grounds for free sale of guns to anyone including me. But even then I may need a `helping hand`..

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