Tuesday, October 20, 2009


When aged Parents ( Both father and mother ), not starving , but well off,yet 'Ambitious'(Macbethian -greed) and involve their under-age three children , consciously for fraud and lie to fool a whole nation for fame , fame and more wealth through STUNT or all lies and cheating anf long planning jointly and consciously, it is the growing sign of NATIONAl degeneration subject FOR national headeche.
Such action, if proved , Should be identified as a NATIONAL ISSUE And maximum PUNISHMENT should me given to this couple and also take away these three 'unfortunate children from their 'dangerous' care and put under suitable FOSTER-CARE and Psychological therapy.
The Whole 'REALITY -SHOW' should be under expert Investigation as , I think, a good numer of them are not natural events but made with planned tricks to fool people. This statement , I am making , because it is my own impression after I saw a few of them and then gave up,
America is, I think ,getting to the level of AFFLUENCE-ADDICTION for excitement and thrill.( Dog-fight by sportsmen, etc are other exampmes. God ! save America !.

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