Sunday, October 11, 2009


Paul Dirac,in 1933, received Nobl Prize in science and refused to accept it because he disliked name or fame for his '.'work of Joy'. At last when his friend (? N.BOHR) convinced him that he Ddirac) was going to be more famous if he refused tha prize than he accepted it. And Dirac thus could be accept it.

So many otherwise undeserving or even deserving nominee ,otherwise, soeagerly await and try to influence the committee to win the priae.
P. Dirac was so unique and exceptional ! He even could have been one of the richest person if was material minded and patented his discovery.

It really admirable for Obama to declare him yet unqualified for the Prize. Yes His name was on 11th day of his presidency but for the last eleven months the Noble committee were obsrving his spirit and will and counted him on the basis of expectation and global crisis developing.
So, I think , the crown has been placed on the most deserving head though the recipient is put on most difficult positon !

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