Thursday, October 1, 2009

Twenty- First -Century-flavour (a forecast)

In Second Law Of Thermodynamics, the Scientists say that 2+2 can be 5 or 6 or more and not 5 only.
The super Powers now, -both Russia and China , now both Communist may in future or evn now towe over all other world powers if they decide to join together on any issue good or bad.
Many people do not have in the forecast of great spiritual beings but I do.

In 1898-99, Swami Vivekananda who rocked the World on the stage of Religious Conference in Chicago in Sept. 1893 ,later made an observation about the future of the World as was coming and said that in twenty first Century, by the middle, the yellow people of the world , perhaps , China or less likely japan, will be the most pwerful Race of the World , both economically and militarily ( This a recorded fact in the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda ; published by Ramakrishna Mission and can be found even at their New York office in U.S.A.).This was told when ,Communist Party of Russia was not , even, establishrd.


ybr (alias ybrao a donkey) said...

Swamijis make many predictions. It is a coincidence that some of them become true.
It is said that Swamiji predicted his own death on July 4, 1901.
On 21st June 1902 he wrote to Ms. Christina Greenstidel to procure Amalaki:
"...You have not the least cause to be anxious. I am getting on anyhow and am quite strong. As to diet, I find I have to restrict myself and not follow the prescription of my doctor to eat anything I like. The pills continue, however. Will you ask the boys if they can get "Amalaki" [Emblic myrobalan] fruits in the place now? We cannot get them in the plains now. They are rather sour and puckery eaten raw; but make marmalade of whole [ones] — delicious. Then they are the best things for fermentation I ever get...."
He did not know what is fifteen days ahead for him!
202 blog posts from Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda

Unknown said...

Where frm you gather your info' ?
"death on juy,41901 !? - Which swamiji died in that day ?
Liking 'Amlaki' has nothing to do with 'prediction'.
Overmore 'myopics have short vision too.
Einstein said even modern science can not predict thw weather of to-morrow.
Edit the date. swamiji died on July 4, 1902 (not 1901).
Thlescope can not measure events at arm's length and Saints may have simple ikings. No faut.

Unknown said...

Swamiji did not die on july 4,1901
Telescope does not measure .events at arm's length.
Great men and Saints may have smal wishes ('Amlaki)'.That does not prove your opinion nor disprove anything.
Even Science can not predict every-day weather.