Tuesday, June 30, 2009

REPORT ON INDIA (West Bengal) part -ii

It is sad and also good that jyoti Basu had to live unto the time to see the roots and the root-lets of the tree he planted so carefully and shrewdly and fenced for so long, is showing erosion and devay.
In Clinical Medicine there is a period called pre-clinical stage when the symptoms and effects of a disease remain hidden for even the doctor to know.The unfortunate reality is that the 'viral infection ' of the political degeneration that started long long before, has surfaced only now and the scape-goat effect has been the resultant resposibility of the officiating chief minister. And I think that the negetive effect of agressive planning for domination without caring for the welfare
of grass-root base, has started taking effect after this long time.
As such the responsibility of this outcome should be on the shoulder of the early builder rather than on the 'sitting duck'.Of course, scape-goating is always an applied plitical Science.Chess-gaming and plannig for power and serving for well-fare of people are never the same issues.
I also propose that Trinamool -congress should not feel so much so sure for its recent success, as
it has not yet proved anything after being in power. All temporary success can be a science
of Relativity , if it is on the 'stage' of another party's fall.
When 'their time comes, it may be even a short- lasting glory if their only measure of success is to make some one tumble instead of taking positive steps of lifting up the base of the betrayed
and neglected people of the land. ---PIBI

Monday, June 29, 2009


WEST BENGAL DILEMA : CPM , overtaking CPI and defeating the ruling Congress , soon ruled the State through better political strategy and for so many years (32 yrs). Good Record ! But good Strtegy does not promise everlasting faith of people. Egoistic muscle power, corruption,indifference to peoples service started growing within like a spreading infection. And 'what goes up has to come down'.
The people on the base line i.e the poor class and the tribals were betrayed most. So the CPI(ML) infiltrated like hidden infection,not because people loved terrorism or politics but because they felt betrayed. And from out side, oportunistic politics tried their respective game .
That is the real picture of LALGARH-Canvas.
Sad that the skilled organisational talent of a Party is now almost overwhemingly infiltrated and
poisoned by corrupt practices, brute physicality and feudal faith. And that is , I think, the true story of Maoism in Lalgarh of West bengal. ---PIBI

Saturday, June 27, 2009


i. What we don't see , does not exists. II. If we are all' under' god, there must some space or species 'above' Him. III. The Supreme God ,like us must have a belly-button. IV. If some one was 'son of God',what are we - His grand-children or only devils ? V. Only the obvious can be the reality. VI .All that is un-manifested must be only- hoax. VII. Whoever is not resistered with my' religion' must be a sinner. VIII. Give me lot of donation and I will bribe God to white-wash your sin, otherwise your next 'flight' will be 'economy class' to Hell. IX. It is common sense that as there are different gods for different religion on this single Globe , seperate Gods should have different geographical administrative 'States' with respective national flags. X. ' If a buffalow could speak, it would assert that its god must have two horns for the sake of identity. - ---------

Saturday, June 20, 2009


COSMIC TIME :Dt o6.20.09 ; About half of the Human Race here is 'Medically alive , - on the level of existence only. Though vultutures do fly the sky and agrresive hawks have their good time of 'vampire'-life. The canine teeth are grinding good. The Hayena types are on 'Mafia land' are the ruling lords. While half of the Globe is starving still, the Nuclear-demons are breeding fast. Latest show: on the Globe , the masculine side, as Science report, are conceiving now with prgnant tums, helping their wives.
Yet here, on the Globe, the Civilisation thrive and half the World is 'medically alive' and gasping with dying hope.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Doctor, - think twice before being a good 'Doctot'

NEWS IN ...T.O.I dt. 14 June '09 : " Doc Couple Hounded out by .........Husband assaulted, wife threatened with Rape for treating Villagers - Free & Spoiling Nursing Home Business"
Dear Doctor, you are trapped in the net of Mammon-loving system of modern era.
Either pay 20L as admission-donation (see the blog dt. 4, june) and then get back all that money and more thru kidney -stealing /Ultra.../C.t. scan/Nursing Home Business or be a good doctor of 'Noble profession' to help people and - get re-paid with assault/ rape for working against the interest of Nursing Home business. What a future for your 'Noble Profession".
You are riding,now , the horns of a dilema. Even God can't help you nor, you yourself can. Only you can hide, pray and read Ebsen's -'Enemy of the People' to console yourself.

Friday, June 12, 2009


An old finding of 1959 ( with statistical significance ) reorted a-new:
Western people with their (prevalent) blood - group A, are more prone to cancer of Gastro-intestinal tract and the finding was supported with statical significance. It was even suggested in the thesis that dieases were due to inherent predisposition in their 'blood' rather than external factors.(the thesis can be traced in Delhi-Univrsity M.d -course section, under the title 'ABO-Blood grous and Diseases', done by Dr.p . Basu for his M.D degree ( statistically proved in Cancer-tongue cases).
This was the period when Watson-Creek were deely involved (as revealed later) in the Genetic search (& DNA) . The present reorting back is done with the good-will -motive of making a review-study in Euroian and American whites who are of A-blood group and who have proved Cancer of G.I tract(hospital records). Making statistical survey at National level , a definite confirmation or rejection of this 'forgotten-aspect, can be done finally.


News Head Lines on Page -13 of 'Times Business' of Times of India dt.13, june'09 ..
What a great metamorhosis for Indian Spirituality ! What an ' Abuse' of ancient Culture !!
" Vedanta arm to Buy"" and " Satyam Top Exec. may Sell""
And now, Geeta , Ramayana or Sri krisna are the names waiting to be pasted on Buying & Selling world of Commercialism.
Wheen a self- dis-gracing Nation is in degenerating- slum or sink , it , I think, by habit , abuse its 'old glory' and culture for exploitation, as a survivng technique.
Look at the habit of the Bombay film-world that in a 'copy-cat' bid , named it-self BOLLY-WOOD', even when the 'late-Latif'-govt changed the word Bombay to 'Mumbai' ! Yet ,otherwise, this disgraceful abuse of the 'Vedantic' name is , really. a painful experience for some non-commercial soul. 'Forgive them oh! Lord..' - though they know, what they are doing !

Monday, June 8, 2009

" BILL TO FREE BABUS" ---- T.O.I dt june 9

The Joy of Living- game will be lost forever:
How the 'Chess Game ' will be enjoyed if the pawn can't be pusshed whenever the players enter the 'game'. The misfortune with ' babus' is that ,like in chess, they can't step aside or step backward or leave the field until sacrificed due to financial binding. Recently in a news paper , Indian Babus were declared the worst in Asia and the credid for their disgrace should go to their lords in -parliament/ ministry/or govt offices. If they are constantly pushed around with threat to their social security and survival, who can bring out the best out of them. So, for this declaration as 'Worst Babus', the credit should go to the 'System and Industry that produce and maintain them.
The Govt can not 'free' them, thru Bill' , - until the Govt is clean itself.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

FRONT PAGE NEWS IN T.O.I (India) dt, june 7

"Pak used US aid against India"
Like a crying baby if a country goes on weeping and complaining to 'Big -Brother ' and appeal for sympathy-pat instead of building its own respectable health and strength , even God will feel amused !

FROM I.C.U - the rport : Patient -Stable

Thank god ! This time , after long long suffering from fragmentation and stiching together of parties with self-serving attitude, a more stable Cetral Govt is 'breathing good'. The credit goes to the whole people and not to past-performance of any party.
For the past 5 years the sick Govt was being taken to I.C.C.U or I.C.U every now and then as a result of inflicting wounds of 'in-fighting' making only the people suffer. It is the best time that this unity of multiple diverging political 'players' is over at last.
This is about the sick Central Govt. of India , that is now out of' hospital' with a better Health. Yet the people should keep their finger crossed. The game of Capitation fee of 20 Lakh(only) for admission in Medical College under some central Minister is exposed boldly /admirably by Times of India , only 2/3 days back. Quo- vadis ! -Mother India ! !. 20 Lakh for admission ! ! !

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Rs. 20 L - Conference Party at Shankarpur to Express sympathy - ( T.O.I dt. 4,june'09)

News! News ! And more News ! ....."Health Dept splurges Rs 20 Lakh On meet" - T.O.I :p-2 dt 4,june'09. THE GRAND SHOW OF Heart & 'Tear'.
Better I Quote again T.O I's report : '...a group of the department's emloyee have been attending a conference at a posh hotel - savouring mutton, byryani , prawn, parshey fish, chutney and misti"
AILA ! AILA ! - thank you ,really ! What a great blessed time you brought for this Health Dept-employees ! and" Health minister said he knew nothing of this Two-day conference" -T.O.I.
What a grand system of Govt-responsibility and admission (or confession) !
'Oh! Aila, -thou can't dampen our love and sympathy for those starving and drowning people. After this 'hearty meal', we will join the rescue -mission' - and that you, better, be sure' . Maybe, or I think, somebody muttered those words too .

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A BOON FOR ALL ROGUE NATIONS ! (ndtv news dt. june 3 ,-09)

The 'Secret' is out! - .. by a suicidal click !!
U. S. A N- sites are mistakenly published. All eager Nations are now free to collect/gather informationso regarding U.S.A 's vulnerable sites. This information is almost a free-marketting facility by the U.S.A -Govt Website (mistake-deptt ), for all Nations including the 'rogues'-nations .
In years to come such mitakes are likely to happen throughout the world and to other Nations and even regarding Nuclear secrets.
Just wait and pray, -the world will be a safer place , after the ' mistaken anihilation' , - for the new start of Evolutionary - correction . (repoted by PiBi from India)

"UPA minister-run med college wants Rs 20L donation"

Head line News : T.O.I dt june 3rd,2009 (India) : - Blog report by PiBi.
20Lakh donation to a minister's fund to make even a duffer- son, - a doctor ! !.
But I offer a better idea: instead of making a multi- mmillioneer's son a doctor and allow him become a 'licenciate murderer' thru kidney- robbery/cat-scan-commercialism/nursing home-sucking traps etc& etc , why not put that 20 Lakh-money(?no-2) in a FD A/c and allow it to double every 9 yr(@8%)' [rule of 72 divided by rate of interest]. When that son is 50yrs +, give him that more than 3 crores . He is thus a crore-pati without excercising his 'solid'- brain . And the society will be saved from the production of a 'Licentiate - Murderer' through all sorts of mal-practices. ....Otherwise, how shall he recover the huge sum of 20Lakh + other sums spent for his graduation, if the society expects a honest 'Doctor' out of him ??? . And a Cetral Cabinet -Minister doing this lucrative business of 20 L/ per head!
God ! , why you created this Hell and made these human beings ! !. (reported from India)