Monday, June 29, 2009


WEST BENGAL DILEMA : CPM , overtaking CPI and defeating the ruling Congress , soon ruled the State through better political strategy and for so many years (32 yrs). Good Record ! But good Strtegy does not promise everlasting faith of people. Egoistic muscle power, corruption,indifference to peoples service started growing within like a spreading infection. And 'what goes up has to come down'.
The people on the base line i.e the poor class and the tribals were betrayed most. So the CPI(ML) infiltrated like hidden infection,not because people loved terrorism or politics but because they felt betrayed. And from out side, oportunistic politics tried their respective game .
That is the real picture of LALGARH-Canvas.
Sad that the skilled organisational talent of a Party is now almost overwhemingly infiltrated and
poisoned by corrupt practices, brute physicality and feudal faith. And that is , I think, the true story of Maoism in Lalgarh of West bengal. ---PIBI

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