Tuesday, June 30, 2009

REPORT ON INDIA (West Bengal) part -ii

It is sad and also good that jyoti Basu had to live unto the time to see the roots and the root-lets of the tree he planted so carefully and shrewdly and fenced for so long, is showing erosion and devay.
In Clinical Medicine there is a period called pre-clinical stage when the symptoms and effects of a disease remain hidden for even the doctor to know.The unfortunate reality is that the 'viral infection ' of the political degeneration that started long long before, has surfaced only now and the scape-goat effect has been the resultant resposibility of the officiating chief minister. And I think that the negetive effect of agressive planning for domination without caring for the welfare
of grass-root base, has started taking effect after this long time.
As such the responsibility of this outcome should be on the shoulder of the early builder rather than on the 'sitting duck'.Of course, scape-goating is always an applied plitical Science.Chess-gaming and plannig for power and serving for well-fare of people are never the same issues.
I also propose that Trinamool -congress should not feel so much so sure for its recent success, as
it has not yet proved anything after being in power. All temporary success can be a science
of Relativity , if it is on the 'stage' of another party's fall.
When 'their time comes, it may be even a short- lasting glory if their only measure of success is to make some one tumble instead of taking positive steps of lifting up the base of the betrayed
and neglected people of the land. ---PIBI

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