Monday, June 8, 2009

" BILL TO FREE BABUS" ---- T.O.I dt june 9

The Joy of Living- game will be lost forever:
How the 'Chess Game ' will be enjoyed if the pawn can't be pusshed whenever the players enter the 'game'. The misfortune with ' babus' is that ,like in chess, they can't step aside or step backward or leave the field until sacrificed due to financial binding. Recently in a news paper , Indian Babus were declared the worst in Asia and the credid for their disgrace should go to their lords in -parliament/ ministry/or govt offices. If they are constantly pushed around with threat to their social security and survival, who can bring out the best out of them. So, for this declaration as 'Worst Babus', the credit should go to the 'System and Industry that produce and maintain them.
The Govt can not 'free' them, thru Bill' , - until the Govt is clean itself.

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